Friday, July 1, 2011

She's Not There, But Heathen Child Is

First of all, Grinderman's "Heathen Child" has been nominated as song of the year HERE, so be sure to vote for them! You have to vote for each category, and I don't know most of the other artists, but anything for Grinderman to get more votes. :)

Also, if you haven't yet heard the AMAZING version of "She's Not There" that Nick did with Neko Case, it is FANTASTIC! I would embed it, but I'm on my phone. Here's the direct link: RIGHT HERE. You will all LOVE it.

I will scan some articles and pics for you all soon. Hope you are all well (I'm sick).


  1. Went and voted!

    I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing with Neko case, but I don't even know anything about Neko case or have heard of them before this.

  2. Hello!
    Thank you for this blog! It is magnificent!
    This video from a concert in Moscow - Heathen Child :)))

  3. I love the Neko/Nick song. I've heard her album, Middle Cyclone. I don't think she's amaaaaaazing, but I think she's good. A bit too mellow for my tastes, generally.
